About 20% of children are struggling readers

However, only a small percentage qualify for specialized help in school.

Arnold Reading Clinic specializes exclusively in struggling readers. All struggling readers qualify for help, whether the cause is dyslexia, a learning disability, or some other cause.

We start with a comprehensive evaluation to determine the cause or causes of the reading difficulty, progress made in the basic reading skills, and determine the present reading grade level.

Next, a prescriptive remedial plan is developed to target the cause of the reading difficulty.

Did you know there are 2 types of dyslexia?

There are two major types of dyslexia or learning disability. Some children have one, some have the other, and some have both. One cause is in auditory processing, and the other is in visual processing.

There are also other neurological causes of reading difficulties, and the proper remediation program must be targeted at the specific cause or causes.

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